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retour a vega

Ca y'est c'est reparti je me divise en deux
Je suis toute a la fois l'acteur et le decor
je ne sais ou je cais ou jamais le saurais-je
Je ne vais nulle part mais a toute de vitesse

l'haleine des camions le soleil alienant
Sur le tout du Bancroft building a Montreal
Les filles a moitie nues je pense a toi souvent
les filles completement nues ca ne fais toujours mal

et puis je reste la les gens me semblent heureux
si tu savais souffrir je m'en porterais mieux
tu recevras ma lettre dechirante et dechiree
les larmes de non retour de la chienne a crever

that's the lyric of the song that sang by the stills.
I love it
i have the story behind this song, but i dont know yet how to tell it
next time, i will.


today is a very fun day!

Kemaren, 17-12-08, i made a Photoshoot session with a few friends.
Qonaah, Indri, Fubby, Belyn.
Awalnya janjian jm 9 pagi, tp ngaret2 dikit, 
tp akirnya gw dateng juga kesana dan udah ada si belyn dan qonaah menunggu. Kita duduk2 , tapi ga langsung menyiapkan p
Eh keterusan ngobrol, akirnya kita baru mulai Make-up jm 12 , sambil nunggu Fubby.
Foto2 dimulai, dari foto Closeup Belyn, lalu
 kita nyoba 1 baju dulu..
Menyenangkan banget nget nget bisa ngedandanin orang seperti yg selama ini gw impiin, walopun bahan pas2an, tp bisalah dijadiin kreasi gw. hahaa
Akhirnya gw ngedandanin Fubby dan Indri juga. Pas
 gw abis moto Fubby di luar, mamat nelpon, then he came, trus dia gabung deh menjalani photoshoot di hari nan indah ini.

Lalu lanjut kita pergi ke Potluck, yea, lumayan mahal sih tapi enak, kita makan , minum, dan maen UNO disana.
Trus sesuai tujuan awal, kita foto2  , tp ga seserius yg kita lakuin di kosan Indri.
Oia, sebelumnya, dia membi
carakan tentang Gintre 2009, yaah itu pembahasan yang ga akan gw bahas disini. ehhee
Akhirnya kita cabut, kembali ke cimbuluit, lalu makan dulu di Senpus.
Setelah itu kita ke Kosan Rara, yang besok akan berangkat ke Jepang. RARA, save flight yaa!! have fun pulang kampungnya.. ehhee
Setelah itu kita kembali ke kosan Indri , and i saw.. JENG JENG,, ada surat peringatan dari SATPAM sok rajin nya kosannya indri, nempel di kaca mobil nya fubby.wkwkwk
Dan di MOTORnya mamat juga! ahhahaa
lebai banget sih tu satpam, yaudah lah ya kita ga nginep ini kok. zzzz
akirnya kita pulang ke tempat masing2, dan gw langsung mengupload semua foto2 itu. MENYENANGKAN.

Sekarang harusnya gw packing, karena bsok gw balik ke jakarta, dan gw blom nyiapin apa2, hehehee

kalau begitu, sampai disini dulu crita hari wewe, sampai jumpa :D


penjelasan GENG GONG buatan baru

disini gw mo menjelaskan GENG GONG baru yg gw ciptakan.

*apa nama geng gong ini ?
- Geng Gothic or SuGoth
*apa bahasa kita ? Rastafara man, we got the rastafara accent to speak
*sampai saat ini, yg termasuk geng goth itu gw aya ratna nurjan crystal dan tompel. yang abang satu ini dijadikan geng gong krena rambutnya yg dijadikan pedoman untuk mendandani RATNA. haha
* gw melihat beberapa orng yang saat itu sedang bersama -red Crystal, nurj, ratna, ayoy- sudah terlalu gila menghadapi UAS, kita berlebayan dalam ketawa sampai akirnya lemas , menyerupai anak gotik
*Perbincangan saat itu sedang membahas Rambut Ratna yang diusulkan untuk diubah menjadi emo2 Gotik
When :
* genk gotik ini hanya berlaku saat kita setres dan mengalami kelebihan pengeluaran energi saat ketawa ketiwi, selain itu, kita manusia normal tanpa genk
Where :
*genk ini berlaku di daerah kekuasaan FISIP, engga deng, dimana aja kta suka deh ahhaa
*bagaimana kita menjalaninya?
*bagaimana kalo ada yg ga suka?
Man, kita kaya gini cuma becandaan, kalo lagi indamood ketawa2 aja, kalo uda selesai ketawa karena nahan kencing, nahan pusing, giting angin, ya kita berubah jadi skut -thats what we called gotich time

penjelasan lbh lanjut, besok aja yak, i wanna get high in my pillow

rutinitas rutinitas

cape dengan bahasa inggris

hari yg baru saja berlalu, yaitu hari sabtu 13 desember 2008
hari terakir uas MKU, senangnyaaa
walo pun masi ada Uas asmen di hari selasa, tp ya whatever lah
gw dateng pagi2,, setelah entah apa yg gw lakukan dengan membaca diktat etika itu, baca kilab, hanya karena gw mengorbankan waktu belajar gw dimalam hari untuk mengajari si Ketua Hi tercinta, mamat, yg ga ngerti logika.. Akirnya gw pasrah menuju kampus untuk menghadapi Uas etika.
srat sret srot gw njawab dan nulis lembaran kertas seenak jidat dan buru2 keluar dari kelas,, cuma satu yg pengen gw lihat. si pemilik suara yg lucu..
tp blom muncul juga dia..
tp akirnya gw ketemu juga..
dengan maksud tersembunyi gw meminta si abang gotik (geng gong baru bernama sugot -surup gotik)i'll explain about this later, untuk makan bersama supaya gw bisa makan sama si suara.. tp krna kebodohan si WAREM yg blom nyiapin tahu dan tempe, akirnya gw makan di gembul, tp si mereka2 itu tetap makan di warem

akirnya gw meminta abang gotik untuk mengajak semua anak2 belajar di WT -red. wind tunnel- akirnya berkumpulah kita disana.
belajar, belajar belajar untuk menghadapi UAs Logika jm 12..
Tiba2 jeng jeng - datang lah mereka, gw terdistract oleh si suara, yg entah mengapa mendekat ke arah gw dan duduklah dia disana.. MAU BELAJAR tp tidak bisa. tp dia ngajarin gw looh
dari awalnya gw ngajarin dia, dia malah ngajarin gw, ya udah lah ya
setelah dari jm 9 kita mulai belajar di WT.. mulailah ada gangguan teknis dari masing2 otak personil geng gotik. Kita mulai ngelawak, dan ketawa2 ga jelas ampe mo pingsan.. sampai akhirnya proses belajar di sana hancur lebur lah dengan situasi ngakak sana sini.. hmmm
disaat sedang tertawa tertiwi, si suara berbincang dan mensharing keadaannya saat ini, dimana dia memiliki beberapa masalah oleh angkatan atas, namun dia masih mengambil hikmah, yg ia ceritakan dengan wajah yang amat ceria seolah2 itu hal berharga untuk dia. "meskipun gw dicecer, tp target gw tercapai"
hmm i was thinking what was that, but then he said "gw berhasil mendapat kan perhatian dari senior cewe "
MAN, it was like "DUAAR" i became soo jealous..
WHO IS SHE?!?!?!
yea eventhou i became so sad, i realized thats none of my business..
akirnya gw ga bisa belajar sama sekali, dan sampai lah kita ke ujung jam UAS, kita masuk ke kelas masing2, gw menjawab soal sekilat mungkin karena gw ngejar travel jm 1.45, gw kluar kelas jm 1 kurang, dimana gw harus lari ke kosan untuk nyiapain barang2 dan gw ngambil se penglihatan gw aja,, dan gw segera meluncurrr ke travel, untung ada sheila, jadi gw dianterin, hemat duit angkot lah, tak lupa sblmnya gw beli pisang ijo dulu.
udah nyampe angkot, gw ditawarin jamu ama mbok2, karena gw jerawatan, siaul.
Travel brangkat, sampai di Jakarta, gw langsung ke Gedung Perfilman -Usmar Ismail, GR konser hari ini.. sampai jam 9 malam
we ew, im tired for real, tp gw menyempatkan diri gw ke Warning untuk menemui Kakek tercinta yg sedang dilanda masalah, lalu gw diculik Latif ke kantornya , dimana disana ada niki, yg sekarang ngrokok mulu berbungkus2, dan ada dimi yg telp2an mulu pacaran. akirnya disana pun gw cuma ol, dan ga melakukan apa2 lagi, dan akirnya gw memaksa latif untuk memulangkan gw ke rumah orang tua gw.
Dan sampai lah gw di penghujung jam, di sini gw ngetik blog ini, blom makan, tp mual2, yauda lah ya, mo diet ah..
i just want to have his attention , but how can i make it thou? im trying, really hard, but i guess its just not enough..
pals, help me to get to him..
and this is all about my day, see you guys around in my other stories
Good nite everyone. thanks if you were reading this, this is a crap for sure, hehhe


2nd practicing

today i have my second practicing for some event called SSN, i'm going to play for about 5 songs with my seniors, 
first of all, we started to play the song nicely, but some how, we got a slip finger into another song, making the first sonf didnt finished good.
we repeated it all over again, again again and again, until we got exshausted, and we began to act weirdly.
Then somehow, we just end up making those stupid videos, you may see it on my FB, we sing like a crazy person, we dance like were no body, its fun, we really having fun.
now its 3 oclock in the morning and im still sitting infront of my desk , trying to study, but still i gain nothing, all i have think is only him, and playing all over my website, 
i dont know how to solve this but, i may get so busy targeting my 1st score, wish me luck!


POTRET- a new way to renew my day :)

i'm very happy to join this activities with a group called potret parahyangan, an organization which have more enthusiasm. Basically , i joined this group, because i have more interest in photograph, and i also really really don't know what am i suppose to do to spend my time if i'm not being busy with my assignment.
The first day of potret's activity, we were having this introduction of the senior who will guide us for the first lesson of photographing.
I saw one boy, who really did attractive. I have once met him before, when i was seeking for the register form, he was so contemptuous , unfriendly , with a high voice, very very uncomfortable. I started to mocking him like an hour, because he made me having a little bad time.
But when i saw him introducing him self, i don't know why, i felt so weird, i can't take my eyes off of him. I really watching him from the moment he was there until we dismiss the diklat. Ow, i feel so weird.
That night , he was all over my mind, i cant stop asking who is he, what is his name? It feels so awful, making me nervous and its really-really uncomfortable.
Today, my group should have a meeting in Potret's Secretary room. I went there all by my self, i was hoping he was there, but unfortunately, he wasn't.
I waited with some senior, we watched DVD, and there HE CAME.. haahha
My heart pumped so fast it was like i'm going to threw my heart out of my chest. He came with 2 seniors, the other two was introducing them self, but not him! i still didn't know what his name is! Even he was sitting beside me, i still can't talk anything! ow it was so embarrassing. 
Then when they was talking, i tried to catch a name, and finally someone called him! now i know who he is! ow, i'm so happy.
isn't it obvious, just by knowing his name, making me smiling like over an hour, haha, i feel stupid for my self.
I really looking forward to see him every time and every day. Im hoping i could have a chat then a relationship with him. ahhahahaha
POTRET, i love you.. you make the sun shine brighter everyday! give more to have fun.
see you guys sooner :D


love as i seen is very confusing

I'm really curious about friendship things,especially in relationship word.  I have this friends, this two people were not connected each other until i found out yesterday.
So there was this Febby and Kanni. Kanni is my senior, in my organization, we had this numbering things, and each year which has the same number would be having like a connection as a brother and sister, so Kanni is my brother in number.

And this Febby is my junior, but she's in a different number with mine. We were not to close to each other, not until i moved to Bandung and she started to greet me oftenly by Msn, so as much as i get, it could be called we are close enough to share some story. Actually, she like to share her love story, she had this bad timing relationship with her boyfriend, which is now her X, she kept telling me that she was so sad loosing him like this and that, she didnt wanna loose him and she wanted him back for sure, but as the time goes by, and as i told her to gave up to an empty hope as she told me, she finally said that she made up her mind, and wanted to move on, i told her, thats a great thing she has chosen.

But then, finally i was contacted by kani, he said he wanted to tell me a good news he got on the day he was celebrating his birthday, he told me that he was just having a new fresh relationship with someone that i actually new but he said i'm not close enough to her. Apparently i was thinking, Kani was just broke up with a sad ending term with his x, he got me listen to his story over and over again which only telling me that he still didn't accept his lost. When he said he already have a new relation, i started to ask, how come people change easily, i though they will stay in their last (as they say) "true love" but in a second, they made up their mind!
The more thing that shocked me up, that Kani's new girlfriend is Feby! how the hell they were attached one to another, they even didnt know each other not until Kani met her accedently when Feby was just dismissed from school.
But when they told me that their in a relationship, what can i do? is their decision, i cannot messed around on their business. All I can say just may they have a long last relation.
they thank me. Actually, i'm not saying it deep down from my heart, there's still something hanging in my brain that i thought about them, but i dont much care about it.

Today, Kani asking me, and telling me, that Febby's boyfriend was asking her about their relationship. As i know , they were broke up so febby can have some time to proove to her X that she can change, (febby had a little mess personality). But then her X was disapointed, when he found out she already with Kani, the man that she knew just a day ago, well, if i was her X, i totally will leave her instead, but because febby have told me her feeling, i know deep down in her , she really want to go back with him. Now is her problem for making this such unwise decision, i cannot much help, i only can make this a lesson for all of us, think about what we want to do and what we wanted to have wisely, because second chance may will not come again. I feel sory for you guys for having that much of problem.

Shark meat eating day

today i finally try to eat a shark in some "warung" near my living house.
i thought i would be not much, as Shark is a expensive word to heard.
but the fact, its realy big, i full my self right now.haha and it also very delicious. rupiahs  , worth to have a delicious dinner, haha
i really want to bring my family to eat there.
well i guess another perfect time would do,hehe


weird funny experience

Today, i went back to bandung by travel , as usual, it was departed at 12 o'clock and arrived at 2.30 pm.
i usually searched for a taxi to go back to my crib, but i wanned to try angkot, a city transportation. i've waited for about 20 minutes, and there's none of it came along.. i started to be impatient, and i saw 3 old folks waiting beside me too. One of them asking the direction to me, as well as i know, they were heading the same way as i did.
Minutes by minutes and no angkot arrived, so i called a taxi.
I've already got into the taxi when suddently the old folks asking me, can they join me in the taxi together, well, somehow i felt i know they're tired and need lift as soon as possible, so i told them, sure they can. So we drive along the road chatting and talking, thank God they were nice people, they told me to pay just 5000 rupiahs then they continued their way.
As i get to my room, i realized, i missed to get my change from the travel ticket i paid. How stupid i am forgetting things so easily. 10.000 rupiahs is a big amount that i could used it for other things indeed, so i called the travel agent and told them that i forgot to asked for the change. and they said i can have it anytime i go there. hehe
Everytime i traveled along Jakarta- Bandung, i always had different experience. I'm looking forward for another trip. :)


first post


This is my first time to do blogging things. the reason is i was just so bored and i think, writing my story would be fun.
so here it goes..
today is my 28th days live in bandung.. its not much to say, because i really don't have much things to do here, i don't have cars, and its caused much trouble for me, because in here, especially along the way to ciumbuleuit ( this is the name of my area ) have city transportation only until 6 pm. after that, its so hard to find any transportation to go back home, so i rarely go for hanging out.
It's so boring, every night just stay alone in my room, doing not much things such as watching tv , again and again and again. Chatting with some friends who is not every time showed up. I was hoping i could get my car sooner.

Today, at the campus, i made a few photos with my new friends. I don't really remember what their name is, its so hard to remember, because some of them have the same name, but different
 nickname. Sometime I think, how do I have to say to make me seen  more friendly, because i have this personality which if they don't know me well, they would say that I'm  unkind and unfriendly. It's just i don't feel much comfortable yet with this new situation. But I admit that, they are cool. I could have some fun with them.
At night, i attended Capoeira , it's the second time i attended the practice, its a lot of fun. Learning how to do the acrobatic move is very fun, but also giving me a lot of preasure, i cant lift my body easily! ahahaha i need more practice , because practice makes perfect. Tomorrow I'm going back to Jakarta until Monday. I guess that's what i need, to go home and see my family, i think i'm a little bit homesick in here. 
So, the day almost over, i guess i'm going to finish today's story, see you in my other story.
Good Nite, :)