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family business for our living

So after my dad retired from his company like about 3 years or less ago, we started to do this home business. A home made Fruit and Vegetable chips that my dad him self made the recipe and done all the production until we actually came with a few worker to hire with, so his work lighten as he suppose to be enjoying his retirement day, but what can we say, we, his daughters still need a lot money as we demand too much of useless things. 


so in this opportunity, I would like to advertise the product it self

We call it MetroKripp
cek it here 

healthy chip snacks of fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals instead of flour and sugar snacks that are not healthy. Can be used for day-to-day snack at home and in the office, while traveling as well as special events and meetings in the office. 

Her category 

Kripp Mushroom (Mushroom Crisps) 
Jackfruit Kripp (Jackfruit chips) 
Kripp Banana (Banana chips) 
Long Bean Kripp Talas Kripp 
Sweet Potato Kripp Lady Finger Kripp 
Products consist of two types, namely volume: 700 ml and 1000 ml, 
with a price: volume of 700 ml: Rp45.000 per jar 
volume of 1000 ml: Rp75.000 per jar 

Fruity Mix Mix Veggie

Products consist of two types, namely volume: 700 ml and 1000 ml, with a price: 
 The volume of 700 ml: Rp. 40,000 per jar • 
The volume of 1000 ml: Rp. 70,000 per jar 
*has been changed due condition

Minimum order is 5 jars (small, large or mixed large and small jars). 
For reservations call my contact: 
HP: 087884965018 Between 
orders will be sent through JNE

Check this from Kaskus site

Please do try this chip because I guarantee, even thou you don't like vegetable or fruits, this chip is so easy to enjoy and also digest. hahaha

will be waiting for your respond, please do contact me as I had put the number above.

bonne nuit et dormez bien! avoir un beau rĂªve mes amies!