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2nd practicing

today i have my second practicing for some event called SSN, i'm going to play for about 5 songs with my seniors, 
first of all, we started to play the song nicely, but some how, we got a slip finger into another song, making the first sonf didnt finished good.
we repeated it all over again, again again and again, until we got exshausted, and we began to act weirdly.
Then somehow, we just end up making those stupid videos, you may see it on my FB, we sing like a crazy person, we dance like were no body, its fun, we really having fun.
now its 3 oclock in the morning and im still sitting infront of my desk , trying to study, but still i gain nothing, all i have think is only him, and playing all over my website, 
i dont know how to solve this but, i may get so busy targeting my 1st score, wish me luck!