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Starts my Packing day !

Hari ini tanggal 5, gw harus udah mulai packing banget nget nget ga boleh enggak !

Packing? buat?

Jadi, mulai Juni ini , gw bakal tinggal di kontrakan di jalan Ranca Bentang 11, deket sama kos dad, deket sama kontrakan anak-anak.

Kontrakan gw dinamain "kobel" means kontrakan sebelas, and kontrakan anak2 "kolam"means kontrakan lama. Haha, a bit weird but unique so lets use it.

Trus, kemaren tuh gw uda mbantuin Ratna mindahin isi kamarnya and she did it like only about 1 or 2 hours. I dont even know where do i have to start to pack my things up. It's all just messed up. hahaha my bad.

Yes, this month will be the last month i play like shit in my only boredsome room.
Hopefully kobel be the best place and choice for me to grow up and have some fun.


Baru aja gw pulang nonton bareng Caca, Bowo, Daud, Iprit ama Genta di Ciwalk, nonton Drag me to Hell, i suppose to watch it with dad, but, hmm he didn't seem to get me some fun tonight. He rather go sleep and leaning to .. yaa that girl, than having fun with his friends, weirdly I'm the only one who joined them. Yea but who cares anyway, we're friends too, aren't we ?

Yang pengen gw bahas saat ini tu rasa bete gw yang gw rasain ke this guy, gw mulai merasa jealous dan hmm merasa kehilangan, apa ya, berlebihan lah pokonya.
Dimulai dari kata-kata seseorang, sekarang jadi kepikiran terus.
Gw mulai membeda-bedakan, membanding-bandingkan dan mulai jadi aware ama perlakuan, tingkah laku, dan segalanya yg dia akuin, padahal juga biasanya ya biasa aja.

Tapi makin kesini, perlakuan kalo kita cuma berdua, dibandingin kalo lagi ada whoever deh, itu beda bangeeet. And i like the way he treated him self when there just me and him.
Seems like he manja, dan becoming very attractive , yea even dia emang attractive kapan aja. Tapi pokonya when he's with me, just feel different, even thou kalo ama atha pun dia kaya gitu. Tapi pokonya beda.
I want him to be mine.
I think I've lost my chance.
But in mean time, i really love and care about him.

Why this always happened to me? Why can i just being honest to anyone i care for?
Why i must mess all the things up?

I miss you. Even more , each minute and second we are separated.
