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1st day of Ied celebration.. I was hoping the traffic would be lighter than ever.. buuuut, unfortunately i still caught on a heavy traffic on my way to meeting my friend this night.

maybe there's just not so many people actually going out of town.

but , anyways.. I spent this night with some quite actually fun night. I went to Gandaria City, but before that i had to pick up my friend, then we went to the Mall.

It was.. hmm not somany visitors around. Still, we, people who actually didn't celebrate this day needs a lot more entertainment then ever. What's the point of having holiday when there's no place to stick around because they were closing up too early in the evening.

WHERE IS Jakarta's night life?

Holiday... i was hoping i could have some fun trip to anywhere i wanted to be, but the result... i have to stick at my home , guarding this empty house.. and should find some fun stuff to play around to waste the time, which so much of time to be wasted..

Hope i could be sane till holiday over..

Night folks.. will update sooner then ever


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