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this week (november 22nd till today 26th) was quite messy days. i urge my self strongly to use all of my strength to do the assignment from the campus. its really exhausting for sure.
well actually it was started way before monday, but start from then, i really wasn't enjoying my day.

with me and my needs to be so relax and enjoying my life, i was force (by my self) to be too serious finishing all the things that have been signed and being paused for a while.

i don't know why but many people (friends of mine) always comment about this semester (5th semester) routine was very very boring. we don't have any spirit to study not even to think of anything. we were exhausted by the activities which we create on our own.

boring, and torturing.

this semester will last in about 1 more week, and we are going to do our final exam.
5th semester.. i can't believe that i've been studying for this long, and yet, i don't feel good enough with this major i take.

being in this "part" of life actually doesn't do me any wrong, but i still wanting something else. something that i really wanted to have.

if this became the real path of my life, what else can i say, i have to finish what i have started.

in a real confusing condition is my theme for all day. lets get this done and find the real life out there.

we can do it, can't we?

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