So here it goes.
I have quitted my job at Metro TV, and decided to spend a few moments to stay unemployed and just relaxing around for a while.
I did not let go my teaching job because I think it will make a good support, since I still need to get some money in order to have a splendid holiday for the end of the year.
And so here I am. Spending my weekdays sleeping around, not wanting to go and hang out because I realize my friends are not available to play, or just not available to play with me, I don't know. Yea but I don't feel sad, I feel comfortable with this.
Staying around at my own house, watching my family do their activities, makes me realize how much I have missed knowing anything about my family. Even like the smallest thing. I missed them all, while I was too busy with what I called 'doing obligation' and 'working my as*-off'. I find it annoying, yet relieving.
But, hey... I do need to find another job soon. I started to make a list of activities, like wanting to go to another course, for violin, or even for new thing; saxophone. Yes, I want to learn new thing ahead.
But those things cost a lot. I do know that I need to find a job by the beginning of 2014. So I think I will start looking for available job.
Oh but I've been very grateful having my parents and their business, because by helping them selling our products, gave me a few cash, just to provide me enough entertainment to fill my days for this 3 months, or so.
Well, I think it's enough for this time mumbling, I will find something else to do now.
See you next time.
words from mind
life has a story that in some way, good to be told
Google search engine

Custom Search
Chicken First and the Monkey next
It's been awhile since the scene behind my eyes has been this blissful, as ever. Two days in a row, been spending every second with spontaneous idea, formed into words such as jokes, and filled the air with laughter harmonized with our breath.
Two incomparable element, fused continuously. That has never been as thoughtful while you believed there is no such thing to be blended on this kind of a track.
Things ahead in our life, principals, always been a barrier between our dream, hopes, and real life. But it never stops us human from enjoying what we have, in the present times. The situation surround you guides you to a new level of experience, it provides us a chance to be developed in any kinds of our character.
Short sound from the silence one can provide the noise comfortableness, yet the noise, in spite of feeling unbalance, felt the happiness and the ambience they may have.
Exhausted, we may felt, but the joy will never ends. A perfect priceless memory till words can not describe any of that part, sticks and followed forever as we still inhale and exhale the very air.
The warmth of the sun was filling up the air while we were driving around the afternoon, lift up the mood of being so stupid and careless of what happens in our daily life.
The sensitivity of seeing any kinds of scene happened on the streets, realizing how chaotic yet entertaining every single movement of human kinds, on the side of the street, standing, walking, making reckless thing. The swing of monkey's mind like a drop of a bomb, exploding the ticklishness of every sense and stop the chicken from the silence.
We lost our breath, yet we still felt so amazed.
March 16-17th, a lovable memory that could make one thank to the universe. Deep from the heart.
Thank you.
Two incomparable element, fused continuously. That has never been as thoughtful while you believed there is no such thing to be blended on this kind of a track.
Things ahead in our life, principals, always been a barrier between our dream, hopes, and real life. But it never stops us human from enjoying what we have, in the present times. The situation surround you guides you to a new level of experience, it provides us a chance to be developed in any kinds of our character.
Short sound from the silence one can provide the noise comfortableness, yet the noise, in spite of feeling unbalance, felt the happiness and the ambience they may have.
Exhausted, we may felt, but the joy will never ends. A perfect priceless memory till words can not describe any of that part, sticks and followed forever as we still inhale and exhale the very air.
The warmth of the sun was filling up the air while we were driving around the afternoon, lift up the mood of being so stupid and careless of what happens in our daily life.
The sensitivity of seeing any kinds of scene happened on the streets, realizing how chaotic yet entertaining every single movement of human kinds, on the side of the street, standing, walking, making reckless thing. The swing of monkey's mind like a drop of a bomb, exploding the ticklishness of every sense and stop the chicken from the silence.
We lost our breath, yet we still felt so amazed.
March 16-17th, a lovable memory that could make one thank to the universe. Deep from the heart.
Thank you.
blissful moment,
lovable moment,
5th Song from ClockWise
I was actually spending this night alone, with kinda.. I don't know. I just feel like to do it. so here it is
a cover from Damien Rice - 9 Crimes.
ClockWise - 9Crimes (cover Damien Rice)
have fun listening to it. haha
this is the lyrics
9 Crimes - Damien Rice
a cover from Damien Rice - 9 Crimes.
ClockWise - 9Crimes (cover Damien Rice)
have fun listening to it. haha
this is the lyrics
9 Crimes - Damien Rice
Leave me out with the waste, C G This is not what I do. Am F It's the wrong kind of place C G To be thinking of you. Am F It's the wrong time, C G For somebody new Am F It's a small crime, C G And I've got no excuse. -Chorus- Am F Is that alright? C G Am Give my gun away when it's loaded. F Is that alright, yeah? C G Am If you don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it? F Is that alright? C G Am Give my gun away when it's loaded F Is that alright? C G Is that alright with you? -End Chorus- Am F Leave me out with the waste, C G This is not what I do. Am F It's the wrong kind of place C G To be cheating on you. Am F It's the wrong time, C G She's pulling me through. Am F It's a small crime, C G And I've got no excuse. -Chorus- Am F Is that alright? C G Am Give my gun away when it's loaded. F Is that alright, yeah? C G Am If you don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it? F Is that alright? C G Am Give my gun away when it's loaded F Is that alright? C G Is that alright with you? -End Chorus- Am F C G Is that alright? Am F C G Is that alright? Am F C G Is that alright with you? Am Is that alright? F Is that alright? C G Is that alright with you? Am F C G No... Am F C G
Journey to Sigur Rós
well, here the story goes.
I was triggered by Cassey's blog post about when she watched Sigur Rós live in San Francisco, and I was aware that Sigur Rós will also touring in Asia, which the closest on was in Singapore and Malaysia. So i decided, I will go to Singapore to watch them.
I was really excited, i started to collect all of my wages and salary and tried not to spent big expenses so I could buy the plane and the concert tix. And there was I , buying all the thing my self, don't care if I can't hang out with the guys, or even thou i went out, not spending to much money so I could save more for this thing.
I bought the airplane tickets, the cheapest on, roundtrip and yes, I was proud of my self that I could actually get the promo price when I really indeed need the cheapest fare as well. So i paid the cost with no hesitate, I don't even want to think how much I just want to be relief that I had this airplane tickets , means I am , I was prepared to go fly to Singapore. I am prepared!
And then for the concert ticket, there was a little bit of drama for this part of the story. Most of it I was actually not fond of telling or even remembering what had happened. But I did, I did, I bought the ticket, a groups ticket which the other one was used by Athe, a friend of mine, whom actually is my best friend' x-girlfriend.
Cut to the case, moving to the Singapore journey story. Here it goes.
So It was Thursday, my flight schedule was on 17.55 pm. But days before, I was called by some HR person from Metro TV, and was called for a job interview on the same day as my flight. So I called them back and reschedule the interview so I can go to airport without rushing, because Metro TV was quite far from the Airport and also, I wouldn't know yet how long that interview will go for. Was it gonna be like hours, or just minutes, and so anyway, I did get to reschedule the interview and it was scheduled earlier but still on the same day.
And so I went to this Metro TV building, it's in Kedoya, somewhere near Daan Mogot, or Kebon Jeruk. I went there, I wait alittle while but just before my appointment hour, I've already been called and followed the person, who turns out to be soon-to-be-my boss.
We talked, she asked few questions, and hand me over a test, two articles , one in Indonesia, and one in English. The task was I had to translate both articles the other language around. She gave me 20 minutes to finished the task, but actually it took me more than that, I took like almost more than 40 minutes to translate the the articles. And yes, I wasn't that focused to do the task because whats on my mind was "Sigur Rós, Sigur Rós, in a couple of hours I'm going fly to Singapore and tomorrow I will see Sigur Rós" and so I did the task not to the maximum capability, I got distracted a lot.
And after finishing the job interview also the test, I had lunch with my parents and then went straight to the airport. When I arrived, I was 2 hours early from my flight, but still I was to excited to go traveling alone and well, there was a little pain in the ass but, what so ever, I kept on my mind that I am traveling alone.
And so I flew to Singapore, and I met this guy, an Indonesian guy who sit beside me on the plane, he was also going for Sigur Rós concert. That night, I wasn't had a plan where am I going to sleep for the night. There's a problem, but hell forget about that, and I decided to went and stroll along Singapore streets to find available Hostel. This guy, named Tama, was planned to sleep at the Changi Airport. For real, he was wicked and I feel pity for him, well it was something fun to do somehow, I think I will do that sometime in the future, sleep at the airport, alone. But anyway, I invited him to go with me, to find some hostel in China Town. He never ever been to Singapore, I think that's why he planned to sleep at the airport, and will meet up with his friend in the morning. But then he decided to come along with me. We found the MRT station, and pick the tickets to China Town.
We arrived like at 2200 and we found the China Town market already closing up one by one. It was late night anyway. So I started to seek for a hostel that still opened, because by my research, not all of the hostel would give 24 hours check-in service. I tried to memorize the map I have been looking at for the couple days back. I remember there was a hostel that I like to be in, Pillow and Toast, that was the name of the hostel. So I went finding the street, it was called Mosque street. I found it, I found the hostel, we went in and just in time because in a few minutes more, the receptionist will be off to bed. We checked in, we went to our dorm, I went for a shower, and then we went out for diner.
The next day, the day of the concert, I was awake at 8, and waited till 10, but there still no words from Athe. So I took a shower, and then went down to the kitchen, and made my self a bunch of toast. It still not enough for Indonesian stomach, I need rice. haha.
In that kitchen , I met this Germany girl, named Anastina, she was there alone because of her ear problem. She actually has gone to , i think Thailand, Vietnam, and one other Asia country but then she has to go to Singapore because she had this ear problem that caused her half deftness and cured there in Singapore hospital. Also I met this India likely person, but actually He was born in UK, but he lives in some island , small island near Africa, I don't remember the name of the island. But yes he said his great great parents are Indian.
Finally, a word from Athe came, she asked me to meet up at City Hall MRT station. Cut to the case, I met her there, she brought her cousin and one American guy, good looking guy, named Keith Bradley. She met him at the plane too, just like I brought Tama along the day before. It was so nice experiencing things like that, met a stranger, but then we can bring along that stranger to company us in this alien city. Well, lucky her, she met a handsome native guy. But I thank God thou, Tama did accompany my night so that I don't actually feel alienated.
So, after finally meeting up we walked unplanned. It was draining my strength, really was. I wasn't looking forward something like that. I want to be settled to Athe's apartment, put my stuff there, and went to Orchard road, or somewhere else to explore Singapore.
But this girl.. is really was.. well.. cut the story, we parted from Bradley, he went to Marina Bay Sands, which I was envy a lot. I want to go there too, but it was to expensive and we don't have that much time to catch up for the concert. It was late already as what I had planned for the day. But anyway, we had lunch. I picked this menu, something called tofu something, I haven't tasted it again since I was teenager. I was so excited to finally had a chance to eat this again. It was memorable.
After lunch, we went to Athe's cousins apartment. It was at Clementi, which was far away from the concert venue. By the time we arrived there, it was really late, like we only had 2 hours to get prepared for the concert, but after experiencing some unenjoyable time, and it was a mood destroyer that just an hour before I want to get going, it was raining, a heavy heavy rain was pouring Singapore. But well, after took a shower and did some preparation, we went to the concert venue, prepared with rain (i brought umbrella -lent from athe's cousin, which actually left behind afterward) condition, and yes we were on set an hour before the concert *should be* began.

Fort Canning Park. It was huge, and we didn't actually know how to get to the entrance booth. I also didn't know where the ticket booth is. I already bought the tickets from Jakarta, but I do have to change the print out to be the actual tickets. I met few friends from Jakarta and they told me I have to go out front to the ticket booth, but we actually already in the entrance line, it was long enough i thought i could make it in time to change the ticket and back in line. But I must ran to catch up with the line, thank God i made it in time. We were in. We were in the venue. It was relieving, so much. I was exhausted enough before the concert even begin. So we bought some drinks and find a spot to sit.
The next morning, I realized that I lost my necklace, the 7 years necklace that already be my treasure all along, it was gone. vanished, and I couldn't remember where the last time I put that off my neck. I assumed that I left it behind in Bradley's hostel, so I went parted from athe earlier, and went back to the hostel. Just to find my necklace. But it wasn't there. I was devastated. Seriously, I felt like loosing something important in my life. That necklace had already accompanied my life and almost dying experience for the past 7 years, and I lost it recklessly. I felt so stupid, but well.. I see this as a good bye, to my old phase of life.
well, here the story goes.
I was triggered by Cassey's blog post about when she watched Sigur Rós live in San Francisco, and I was aware that Sigur Rós will also touring in Asia, which the closest on was in Singapore and Malaysia. So i decided, I will go to Singapore to watch them.
I was really excited, i started to collect all of my wages and salary and tried not to spent big expenses so I could buy the plane and the concert tix. And there was I , buying all the thing my self, don't care if I can't hang out with the guys, or even thou i went out, not spending to much money so I could save more for this thing.
I bought the airplane tickets, the cheapest on, roundtrip and yes, I was proud of my self that I could actually get the promo price when I really indeed need the cheapest fare as well. So i paid the cost with no hesitate, I don't even want to think how much I just want to be relief that I had this airplane tickets , means I am , I was prepared to go fly to Singapore. I am prepared!
And then for the concert ticket, there was a little bit of drama for this part of the story. Most of it I was actually not fond of telling or even remembering what had happened. But I did, I did, I bought the ticket, a groups ticket which the other one was used by Athe, a friend of mine, whom actually is my best friend' x-girlfriend.
Cut to the case, moving to the Singapore journey story. Here it goes.
So It was Thursday, my flight schedule was on 17.55 pm. But days before, I was called by some HR person from Metro TV, and was called for a job interview on the same day as my flight. So I called them back and reschedule the interview so I can go to airport without rushing, because Metro TV was quite far from the Airport and also, I wouldn't know yet how long that interview will go for. Was it gonna be like hours, or just minutes, and so anyway, I did get to reschedule the interview and it was scheduled earlier but still on the same day.
And so I went to this Metro TV building, it's in Kedoya, somewhere near Daan Mogot, or Kebon Jeruk. I went there, I wait alittle while but just before my appointment hour, I've already been called and followed the person, who turns out to be soon-to-be-my boss.
We talked, she asked few questions, and hand me over a test, two articles , one in Indonesia, and one in English. The task was I had to translate both articles the other language around. She gave me 20 minutes to finished the task, but actually it took me more than that, I took like almost more than 40 minutes to translate the the articles. And yes, I wasn't that focused to do the task because whats on my mind was "Sigur Rós, Sigur Rós, in a couple of hours I'm going fly to Singapore and tomorrow I will see Sigur Rós" and so I did the task not to the maximum capability, I got distracted a lot.
And after finishing the job interview also the test, I had lunch with my parents and then went straight to the airport. When I arrived, I was 2 hours early from my flight, but still I was to excited to go traveling alone and well, there was a little pain in the ass but, what so ever, I kept on my mind that I am traveling alone.
And so I flew to Singapore, and I met this guy, an Indonesian guy who sit beside me on the plane, he was also going for Sigur Rós concert. That night, I wasn't had a plan where am I going to sleep for the night. There's a problem, but hell forget about that, and I decided to went and stroll along Singapore streets to find available Hostel. This guy, named Tama, was planned to sleep at the Changi Airport. For real, he was wicked and I feel pity for him, well it was something fun to do somehow, I think I will do that sometime in the future, sleep at the airport, alone. But anyway, I invited him to go with me, to find some hostel in China Town. He never ever been to Singapore, I think that's why he planned to sleep at the airport, and will meet up with his friend in the morning. But then he decided to come along with me. We found the MRT station, and pick the tickets to China Town.
We arrived like at 2200 and we found the China Town market already closing up one by one. It was late night anyway. So I started to seek for a hostel that still opened, because by my research, not all of the hostel would give 24 hours check-in service. I tried to memorize the map I have been looking at for the couple days back. I remember there was a hostel that I like to be in, Pillow and Toast, that was the name of the hostel. So I went finding the street, it was called Mosque street. I found it, I found the hostel, we went in and just in time because in a few minutes more, the receptionist will be off to bed. We checked in, we went to our dorm, I went for a shower, and then we went out for diner.
The next day, the day of the concert, I was awake at 8, and waited till 10, but there still no words from Athe. So I took a shower, and then went down to the kitchen, and made my self a bunch of toast. It still not enough for Indonesian stomach, I need rice. haha.
This is China Town, the view was taken from MRT station exit path.
Finally, a word from Athe came, she asked me to meet up at City Hall MRT station. Cut to the case, I met her there, she brought her cousin and one American guy, good looking guy, named Keith Bradley. She met him at the plane too, just like I brought Tama along the day before. It was so nice experiencing things like that, met a stranger, but then we can bring along that stranger to company us in this alien city. Well, lucky her, she met a handsome native guy. But I thank God thou, Tama did accompany my night so that I don't actually feel alienated.
After lunch, we went to Athe's cousins apartment. It was at Clementi, which was far away from the concert venue. By the time we arrived there, it was really late, like we only had 2 hours to get prepared for the concert, but after experiencing some unenjoyable time, and it was a mood destroyer that just an hour before I want to get going, it was raining, a heavy heavy rain was pouring Singapore. But well, after took a shower and did some preparation, we went to the concert venue, prepared with rain (i brought umbrella -lent from athe's cousin, which actually left behind afterward) condition, and yes we were on set an hour before the concert *should be* began.
Fort Canning Park. It was huge, and we didn't actually know how to get to the entrance booth. I also didn't know where the ticket booth is. I already bought the tickets from Jakarta, but I do have to change the print out to be the actual tickets. I met few friends from Jakarta and they told me I have to go out front to the ticket booth, but we actually already in the entrance line, it was long enough i thought i could make it in time to change the ticket and back in line. But I must ran to catch up with the line, thank God i made it in time. We were in. We were in the venue. It was relieving, so much. I was exhausted enough before the concert even begin. So we bought some drinks and find a spot to sit.
And finally, after 2 hours waiting, there they were. On stage, and I was shivering to my nerves I couldn't bare to scream, but I didn't. They played the first song - I couldn't even remember the list, I was to excited and occupied with my condition. 
This is a few friend we met in the middle of the concert. We had so much fun, we scream, we laugh, we yelled together as Jonsi sang and made us gone wild.
It was phenomenal. Few last songs were definitely was magical. The rain was pouring during the songs, and it was.. I don't know how to describe it, magical. Really is magical. The sky turned to orange puffy like, and the rain drops started to pour little by little and actually it began to be a heavy rain, stroll along with the change of the atmosphere of the songs.
I couldn't say I didn't cry, I wasn't but I feel something inside, It took my feeling ups and down, as Jonsi scream his voice out and the ambience.. oh God, I would never ever forget what I had experienced that night.
The concert done in like 2hours or so. I feel it was really soon to be done. But the time has said so, we have to go as soon as possible, the MRT soon will be closed and we don't have anything left to go anywhere. So we ran, catching up with the train, and finally end up in Little India, soaking wet, still shivering , still felt the excitement of witnessing the awesomeness of Sigur Rós.
We were stopping by the Mustafa center to meet up with Bradley, who actually was there at the concert. He was actually went to Fort Canning to meet up with us, but I wasn't aware that he called me several times, and texted me where were we after the concert finished. But yeah, we met and gathered at Mustafa center, and he brought us to his Hostel. It was so nice of him that he already asked for permission from the hostel for us to use the bathroom and also hang around till the first train start in the morning.
It was a crazy night. I couldn't believe I had experience such things. Really, It was.
The next morning, I realized that I lost my necklace, the 7 years necklace that already be my treasure all along, it was gone. vanished, and I couldn't remember where the last time I put that off my neck. I assumed that I left it behind in Bradley's hostel, so I went parted from athe earlier, and went back to the hostel. Just to find my necklace. But it wasn't there. I was devastated. Seriously, I felt like loosing something important in my life. That necklace had already accompanied my life and almost dying experience for the past 7 years, and I lost it recklessly. I felt so stupid, but well.. I see this as a good bye, to my old phase of life.
Yes, this is an experience that gives me a lot of learning the way I have to manage something by my own, seeing new people, strangers, being nice, being dumb, being extra careful and being very reckless. There is always advantage and disadvantage, and I couldn't step forward if I won't try any of choices I had in life.
I went back alone, I flight on my own, and arrived there at Cengkareng Airport, seeing my mom and dad waiting for me and picked me up, I feel so .. I don't know.. mellow.
well, maybe the way I'm telling this story was not as I expected, I can't make a good arrangement of the story because it was jumping all over in my head. But I feel like I have to type this down and hoping this could remind me somewhen, although I would never ever forget it.
Thanks for the chance, thanks for the fortune, thanks for everything.
Thank you Universe
China town,
Fort Canning Park,
Little India,
Sigur Rós,
Hello life!
Hey there readers, who ever or if there is any of it, haha. It's been a while since i haven't write down any thing I experience in my daily life.
So here's a thing. There is no other life after you graduated from your study. *in this I mean after you graduate from University*
I used to have a lot of thing to do, like going here and there, being invited to go here and there from my college friend. It was something for me back then. Something I felt like a routinity I have for daily life.
I feel like I have no friends, no invitation, no whatsoever that makes me feel like I have something to do in my daylight.
Ok, I have work to do, only by the weekend. WEEKEND, the time when actually people doing fun stuff, doing nothing stuff, stroll along in their bed, relaxing, give no s**t of outside life, but here I am. Over and over again. Exhausted? A little bit. Sad? No. Happy? Not really. I don't feel like I'm living right.
I don't know what is this. A transition ? Is it?
Well, I depend on my music life, I put all of my faith in my music activity. I trust it to be my number one - I-don't-care-about-anything-else- distraction of this boredom I felt just a while ago.
Yesterday, eh.. the day before yesterday, I was having this concert with my orchestra, as usual, with this unique performance ofcourse, a short so-called mini opera *I gave the name myself*.
It was soooooooooo much filling my spirit, I felt alive.
But, now.. that it has been done, I feel emptied with another nothing to do activity awaits for me in the morning everytime i wake up.
well. Life. I still seeking for the new way to get into my future path thou. Hopefully, the more I get intense being serious in this dream I have, the way will showed it self.
O yea, I was invited for a job interview from a Bank, I went for the interview, but then I turned them down because I believe, banking job isn't my field. It was a weird experience thou, I wasted some opportunity given by someone that I actually didn't expect to be invited to.
And yes, another job interview came by, I will be interviewed for a Staff Production in Metro TV, a media in Indonesia, thankfully Dita help me with the CV I gave her days before, thats why I'm invited to do the interview. This field is kinda interesting for me because somehow it connected with the major I have been studied for the past 4 years. International news segment. But I still a little bit , just a little bit doubting whether I'm gonna take the job or not. I still can't let go my teaching job. I can't imagine how am I gonna do two works at one time. Guess I have to think some way to do this without changing to much schedule I already have.
Also a coffee shop business I tried to build, just starting the plan thou, it also became something that actually will mixed up with what will happened if I got accepted for this work.
Hey , I'm not that bored, are I ? I'm actually have lots to do, and do busy -just realized it- but, why am I feeling this uncomfortably solitary ?
well, whatever.
Well, maybe this is from me for tonight. Hope that something will happen tomorrow so I can share exciting stories, not just this blabbering rubbish thing I always do. And anyway, I want to post some photos I made the other day for a freelancer job I had from my friend, but I think it was strictly cannot be posted before the magazine or the work published. So. This is it, only words, with no picture.
Good night Universe. I love you solitary life.
PS: I am not grieving for my self, I just got bored for this present time. Tomorrow will be a good day, so I will be cheerfully share a happy story next time.
Adios, Bon nuit
So here's a thing. There is no other life after you graduated from your study. *in this I mean after you graduate from University*
I used to have a lot of thing to do, like going here and there, being invited to go here and there from my college friend. It was something for me back then. Something I felt like a routinity I have for daily life.
I feel like I have no friends, no invitation, no whatsoever that makes me feel like I have something to do in my daylight.
Ok, I have work to do, only by the weekend. WEEKEND, the time when actually people doing fun stuff, doing nothing stuff, stroll along in their bed, relaxing, give no s**t of outside life, but here I am. Over and over again. Exhausted? A little bit. Sad? No. Happy? Not really. I don't feel like I'm living right.
I don't know what is this. A transition ? Is it?
Well, I depend on my music life, I put all of my faith in my music activity. I trust it to be my number one - I-don't-care-about-anything-else- distraction of this boredom I felt just a while ago.
Yesterday, eh.. the day before yesterday, I was having this concert with my orchestra, as usual, with this unique performance ofcourse, a short so-called mini opera *I gave the name myself*.
It was soooooooooo much filling my spirit, I felt alive.
But, now.. that it has been done, I feel emptied with another nothing to do activity awaits for me in the morning everytime i wake up.
well. Life. I still seeking for the new way to get into my future path thou. Hopefully, the more I get intense being serious in this dream I have, the way will showed it self.
O yea, I was invited for a job interview from a Bank, I went for the interview, but then I turned them down because I believe, banking job isn't my field. It was a weird experience thou, I wasted some opportunity given by someone that I actually didn't expect to be invited to.
And yes, another job interview came by, I will be interviewed for a Staff Production in Metro TV, a media in Indonesia, thankfully Dita help me with the CV I gave her days before, thats why I'm invited to do the interview. This field is kinda interesting for me because somehow it connected with the major I have been studied for the past 4 years. International news segment. But I still a little bit , just a little bit doubting whether I'm gonna take the job or not. I still can't let go my teaching job. I can't imagine how am I gonna do two works at one time. Guess I have to think some way to do this without changing to much schedule I already have.
Also a coffee shop business I tried to build, just starting the plan thou, it also became something that actually will mixed up with what will happened if I got accepted for this work.
Hey , I'm not that bored, are I ? I'm actually have lots to do, and do busy -just realized it- but, why am I feeling this uncomfortably solitary ?
well, whatever.
Well, maybe this is from me for tonight. Hope that something will happen tomorrow so I can share exciting stories, not just this blabbering rubbish thing I always do. And anyway, I want to post some photos I made the other day for a freelancer job I had from my friend, but I think it was strictly cannot be posted before the magazine or the work published. So. This is it, only words, with no picture.
Good night Universe. I love you solitary life.
PS: I am not grieving for my self, I just got bored for this present time. Tomorrow will be a good day, so I will be cheerfully share a happy story next time.
Adios, Bon nuit
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